Национален конкурс за пчелен мед


10 неща, които можете да направите, за да помогнете за спасяването на пчелите

1. Avoid using insecticides

Especially for ‘cosmetic” gardening. There are better ways to deal with pests, especially biological ones. Modern pesticides can be extremely powerful, and many of them are very toxic to bees as well as other insects. Eliminating all pesticides from the environment, is the most important thing we can do for the bees.

2. Avoid seeds that have been treated with systemic insecticides.

Clothianidin and other systemic insecticides are often used to coat seeds. This can make the whole plant toxic to bees and other insects that might eat it. Make sure to inspect your seed packets and, if in doubt ask the manufacturer for more information.

3. Pay attention to the labels of garden compost.

Hidden killers are possible! Some garden composts contain Imidacloprid, a deadly insecticide made by Bayer. Although it is often called ‘vine weevil prevention’ or something similar, it is extremely toxic to all insects and soil life, including beneficial Earthworms. The insecticide is absorbed by plants. Bees that seek water from the moist compost can be killed if this compost is used in hanging baskets.

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4. Create natural habitat.

You can let some of your garden go wild if you have the space. This will create a safe haven to bees, small mammals, and other insects. Garden that is too neat and tidy is not good for wildlife!

5. Plant bee-friendly plants.

Wildflower seeds can be purchased from many seed merchants and can be sown anywhere there is ground. Some “guerrilla gardeners” even plant them in public parks.

6. You can offer a place for beehives.

If you have the space, you can offer a small area of your garden to a local honeykeeper to keep a few hives. You should consider this when choosing a site.

7. Create a wild bee home.

A simple box can be used as a home for wild bees. This is one step away from starting beekeeping. You can find ideas for such boxes online.

8. Support your local beekeepers.

Many people believe honey from local beekeepers can reduce the symptoms of hayfever and other allergies. This is another reason to purchase honey from local beekeepers rather than from large-scale supermarkets that source honey from thousands of kilometers away. For a real treat, ask for comb honey from a beekeeper who doesn’t use chemicals in their hives.

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9. Learn more about bees and share your knowledge with others

Bees are fascinating creatures that very few people bother to learn about.

10. Be a beekeeper

It’s easier than you think to become a beekeeper. You don’t even need the expensive equipment found in glossy catalogs. Anyone can make everything you need to keep bees successful. All you need are a few basic tools. If you can build a shelf, you can probably construct a beehive.


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