


Bee Therapy is the use of honey and venom from honeybees to treat ailments. These medicines include raw honey, raw honey, propolis, pollen and royal jelly.

Natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-aging

Although scientific studies have not proven that apitherapy works well, royal jelly has become a popular product sold at convenience stores as an energy supplement and beauty product. The bee can inject the venom by using a needle or sting the area. This is the most complicated form of apitherapy, and it is the only one that requires a practitioner to administer. Users claim that the benefits outweigh being repeatedly stung.

For example, tendonitis patients can be treated in two to three sessions. However, degenerative bone diseases sufferers can only get relief through several sessions per week for at least six month.

Before you attempt this type of therapy, make sure you have your allergy tested for bee stings. The venom is rich in natural anti-inflammatory chemicals that are stronger than hydrocortisone for tendonitis or arthritis.

Energy Booster, antioxidant, anti-cholesterol and anti-allergy

The use of pollen as an energy supplement has also been proven to be effective in treating seasonal allergies.

Although there is no scientific evidence to support the claim, pollen is used in beauty products for bees. It is believed that it slows down the aging process.


Raw honey is rich in “b” vitamins, which can be used as an energy booster like fructose or cane sugar. This honey is not processed honey. It has not been filtered, heat treated, and there have been studies that show that applying raw honey to open wounds can significantly slow down the spread of infection-causing bacteria.

Royal Jelly is made in the salivary glands and salivary glands by worker bees to feed the queen. Products made from royal jelly can be used to enhance beauty and prolong the life span of the queen. Although these claims are not supported by research, studies on humans have shown that royal jelly can lower cholesterol levels.

Bees can make their own glue to attach their hives and repair the walls. Propolis, a bee glue, is made from the sap from poplar or conifer trees. Propolis is used to make chapsticks and salves from bee materials. Propolis is also known to be an antioxidant by apitherapy enthusiasts.

Other Benefits of Bee Therapy

Other health benefits include the softening and breaking down of scar tissue for cosmetic applications, the reduction of fatigue and spasms in MS suffers, and the prevention of AIDS patients contracting flu and viruses with the antitoxins. Apitherapists do not need to be licensed or credentialed by any organization. Some are physicians who believe it helps to reduce joint pain. Most of those who use it are former patients. Before you explore this treatment option, it is important to have an allergy test. You should avoid any treatment if you have an allergic reaction to the bee-pollen found in juice bars and other health drinks.

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You should not seek apitherapy if you have diabetes or heart disease. Also, you should never give honey to babies. Raw honey can contain fungus. This could mean that AIDS patients who might benefit from the propolis antioxidants may be harmed by unprocessed honey. There are no recommended dosage guidelines for apitherapy. Be aware that there are no recommended doses.


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