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밀랍 캔들

천연 밀랍으로 아름다운 양초를 만드는 방법?

밀랍 양초는 일반인이 구입할 수 없었기 때문에 수세기 전에는 교회와 부유층을 위한 양초로만 만들어졌습니다. 밀랍이나 동물성 지방은 양초를 만드는 데 가장 신뢰할 수 있고 비용 효율적인 재료였지만, 악취가 나는 단점도 있었습니다.

Candlemaking materials

There are many better candlemaking materials and waxes than ever before. The most popular being paraffin wax or stearin. Paraffin wax is made from crude oil refineries. Beeswax, on the other hand, is a 100% natural product that is produced by busy little honeybees. This is why it remains the most expensive candlemaking wax.

Beeswax is available in both solid and sheet forms. Both can be used to make candles. To make modern church candles, solid beeswax can be used in the form of an additive to paraffin wax. You will need to add 25% beeswax and 25% paraffin wax to make a church candle.

However, beeswax can be very sticky so it is important to apply a release agent generously to the mould. Otherwise, it can be difficult to remove the candle from the mould once it has set. When lit, beeswax emits a sweet honey-like aroma. This wax is also a favorite because of the beautiful glow from natural light. You can make beeswax candles for anyone if you use the sheets that can be purchased at any honey and/or bee foundation in your locality. These sheets are usually about $2. They can be used to make new beehives, not candles.

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Beeswax sheets can be pliable at room temperatures and smell like honey. Because of its flexibility, they are easy to use.

How to make Candles with Beeswax?

All you need to make candles using them is a candlemaking wick, ruler and a craft knife. First, place a sheet beeswax on a flat surface. Next, place the candlemaking wick on the sheet, approximately 2mm from the edge. You will now need to roll the edge of your beeswax sheet slowly over the wick. Continue doing this until the entire sheet is rolled up, similar to a paper scroll. Now you can trim the wick using a pair of scissors. It’s amazing how simple it is to make a honey wax candle. The end result is simply stunning! You can make another beautiful beeswax candle by placing a sheet beeswax on a flat surface. Then, use a ruler or a craft knife to cut triangles. You can then repeat the steps for making the pillar candle.

A simple way to make a beautiful candle is to buy a white pillar candle, wrap it in beeswax and then put it in a sheet. This gives the candle the appearance of a solid beeswax candle, and it glows beautifully when lit. Place a sheet of beeswax on a flat surface. Measure the height of your pillar candle. Once you have done this, simply measure the height of the pillar candle and cut the sheet to fit. Wrap the sheet around the candle. To prevent the sheet from slipping, you might need to glue it.

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Your imagination is the only limit when working in wax. Let’s make a ball-shaped candle using beeswax sheets. Start by taking a few beeswax sheets along with any leftovers. Next, heat them up with a hairdryer. Then squeeze them together until they form a ball shape. Once you’re done, insert a needle or skewer stick through the center of the ball. Next, gently push the candle’s bottom onto a flat surface. It’s easy to make your own candles using beeswax.

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