Kura Bišu produkti veselības aprūpei?
Lielākā daļa cilvēku ir pazīstami ar bitēm. Tas ir pārsteidzoši, kā viens mazs kukaiņš cilvēkos var izraisīt paniku. Viņi to vēdinās, lai liktu tam pazust vai nogalinātu. Ja viņi būtu vairāk informēti par bišu nozīmi un to lomu līdzsvara uzturēšanā dabā, daudziem no šiem cilvēkiem būtu lielāka [& & &
How Fascinating is Bee’s World?
Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby that can also be a lucrative business. Beekeeping has its own rules and you should learn as much information as possible before you start to beekeeper. How would you like to see the same piece of information repeated over and again on this page and everywhere else?
What is happening to Bees?
Honey bees are suffering. This is a devastating situation for the Honey Bees as well as humanity. Honey bees are more vulnerable to pesticides, mites, and viruses. This is the main reason why Honey Bees are disappearing. The health of nations is at risk due to the decline in the Honey Bee and the fa
What is Natural Beekeeping?
Our first encounters in honeybees occurred long ago, most likely in Africa. Someone discovered, probably simultaneously, that these tree-dwelling insects produced an unusual sweet, sticky substance and that their tails had stings. Someone else discovered that smoke made bees more tolerant to robbing
How to start Beekeeping?
Although beekeeping is not rocket science, there are many variables that must be considered. That is why a beekeeping manual is a great investment. Is a Beekeeping Guide Necessary? It is essential that anyone who is interested in beekeeping has all the relevant information. Beekeeping requires a lot
Ar ko īpašas bišu vaska sveces?
Many people don’t know that they could be using products containing beeswax and may not be aware of it. We’ve all heard of beeswax. But have you ever stopped to consider how it is made and why? It’s likely that you haven’t, so let me tell you. My wife and I switched to natura
Vai jums ir vajadzīga palīdzība, lai kļūtu par labu biškopi?
Beekeeping is one of the oldest traditions in the world. We are all aware of how important beekeeping has become in today’s ecologically unstable environment. History of Beekeeping Today’s honeybee world is facing many challenges. We can see that bees played an important role in our evol