Kako lahko čebelarstvo izboljša vaše življenje?
Čebelarjenje zanima veliko ljudi. Ne le zato, ker je veliko ljubiteljev medu, temveč tudi zato, ker je čebelarjenje zelo koristen hobi. Čeprav se čebel pogosto bojimo, boste, ko boste začeli čebelariti, začeli ceniti njihov obstoj. Ta hobi ni za slaboumne.
Vse, kar morate vedeti za začetek čebelarjenja
Medonosna čebela je žival, ki jo lahko gojite na mikrokmetiji. Lahko oprašujejo vašo zelenjavo ali sadje in pridelujejo med. Sladek, okusen med. Čeprav ne vem, koliko medu ste v zadnjem času videli v trgovini z živili, čebelja zalega ni poceni. Kaj je treba upoštevati Th
Kako vzpostaviti ravnovesje v čebelarstvu?
Honeybees are not domesticated in the same way as cows, pigs, or sheep. Despite many attempts to breed them to meet our needs, they are basically unchanged by man. Their unique mating behavior and reproductive cycle ensures that diversity and adaptability will remain the dominant themes in their evo
Kaj je z medonosnimi čebelami?
Na svetu je trenutno približno 100 milijonov čebeljih panjev. Naokoli brenči približno 2 bilijona čebel. Populacija čebel se z leti zaskrbljujoče zmanjšuje. Tukaj je nekaj razlogov za zaskrbljenost zaradi težkega položaja čebel. Zakaj so medonosne čebele in med
Kako fascinanten je čebelji svet?
Čebelarjenje je zanimiv hobi, ki je lahko tudi donosen posel. Čebelarjenje ima svoja pravila in preden začnete čebelariti, morate izvedeti čim več informacij. Kako bi si želeli, da se na tej strani in povsod drugje vedno znova ponavljajo iste informacije?
Kaj se dogaja s čebelami?
Medonosne čebele trpijo. To je pogubno tako za medonosne čebele kot za človeštvo. Medonosne čebele so bolj občutljive na pesticide, pršice in viruse. To je glavni razlog za izginjanje medonosnih čebel. Zdravje narodov je ogroženo zaradi upadanja števila medonosnih čebel in slabega počutja čebel.
What every Beginner Beekeeper should know!
Although raising a cat or dog requires very little equipment, beekeeping requires that you are well-informed about all the necessary supplies, procedures, and techniques to raise healthy bees. You and your beekeeping project are at serious risk if you don’t properly educate yourself about apia
Kako najbolje izkoristiti čebelarjenje?
Honey and beeswax are the primary products of bees. Honey is the most popular sweetener and has been for a long time. This honey is preferred over sugar, even though it provides sweetening. Why Honey? Honey has more nutrients than sugar. This is one reason why so many people are interested in beekee
What is the Best Way to get Started with Beekeeping?
While there are many other tools and supplies you will need when you first get started with beekeeping and managing the colonies of honeybees, the bee outfit is the most important. As you gain experience and confidence, your comfort level with bees will improve. You will probably feel less comforta
Izčrpen vodnik po čebelarjenju
Apiculture can be practiced for two reasons. You can do it as a hobby, or as a source for income. It doesn’t matter what your goal is, it is essential to have the right information about beekeeping that will help you manage the activity. It is best to learn as much as possible about beekeeping