Prečo je pochopenie a štúdium včelárstva prínosom?
Včelárstvo môže byť obohacujúcim koníčkom, ak máte správne nástroje a znalosti. Chov včiel prináša mnoho výhod vrátane možnosti pomôcť vašej záhrade, produkovať med a včelí vosk. Včelí vosk je užitočný na výrobu sviečok, pleťových krémov a balzamov na pery. Niektorí včelári nepovažujú učenie sa
Ako môže včelárstvo zlepšiť váš život?
O včelárstvo sa zaujíma veľa ľudí. Nie je to len preto, že je veľa milovníkov medu, ale aj preto, že včelárstvo je veľmi výnosný koníček. Hoci sa včiel často obávame, keď začnete včeláriť, začnete si ich existenciu vážiť. Tento koníček nie je pre slabé povahy
Všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť, aby ste mohli začať včeláriť
Včela medonosná je živočích, ktorý môžete chovať na mikrofarme. Dokážu opeľovať zeleninu alebo ovocie a vyrábať med. Sladký, chutný med. Hoci neviem, koľko medu ste v poslednom čase videli v obchode s potravinami, včelie plody nie sú lacné. Čo treba brať do úvahy Th
Ako obnoviť rovnováhu vo včelárstve?
Honeybees are not domesticated in the same way as cows, pigs, or sheep. Despite many attempts to breed them to meet our needs, they are basically unchanged by man. Their unique mating behavior and reproductive cycle ensures that diversity and adaptability will remain the dominant themes in their evo
What is Natural Beekeeping?
Our first encounters in honeybees occurred long ago, most likely in Africa. Someone discovered, probably simultaneously, that these tree-dwelling insects produced an unusual sweet, sticky substance and that their tails had stings. Someone else discovered that smoke made bees more tolerant to robbing
Ako začať včeláriť?
Although beekeeping is not rocket science, there are many variables that must be considered. That is why a beekeeping manual is a great investment. Is a Beekeeping Guide Necessary? It is essential that anyone who is interested in beekeeping has all the relevant information. Beekeeping requires a lot
Do you need Help to be a good Beekeeper?
Beekeeping is one of the oldest traditions in the world. We are all aware of how important beekeeping has become in today’s ecologically unstable environment. History of Beekeeping Today’s honeybee world is facing many challenges. We can see that bees played an important role in our evol
What every Beginner Beekeeper should know!
Although raising a cat or dog requires very little equipment, beekeeping requires that you are well-informed about all the necessary supplies, procedures, and techniques to raise healthy bees. You and your beekeeping project are at serious risk if you don’t properly educate yourself about apia
What Equipments and good Practices should every beekeeper have?
Beekeeping can be a hobby for some, but it can also be a full-time job for others. You will need the right equipment and the right practice to keep bees healthy. Before you deliver your bee colonies, it is essential that you have all the necessary equipment. What Beekeeping Equipment should every Ap
How to Start Beekeeping?
Apiculture, or beekeeping, is one of the most rewarding hobbies and businesses you can choose from. Beekeeping isn’t for the faint-hearted, but it can be very rewarding. The honey is always in high demand, the investment is minimal, and the whole system is friendly to the environment. This is